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Tribal items used by The Bedouin, aquired during 1960s when I lived in Saudi Arabia. I can see these items in a museum type setting that reveals a bit of the lives lived by Bedouin peoples, among the many who lived in desert climates and used these 'tools' to survive and thrive.


Camel bag of black, red, white, tan spun and woven of wool from local sheep and goat herds. Holds various family possessions on journeys. Bought at a suq in El Khobar, a local village. $200


Large woven basket holds foods or other family items. Various foods were gathered in oases, then carried back to families or sold at local markets. $30


Hand-fashioned bellows to ignite wood or charcoal. Base made of wood with metal functional parts and round decorative mirror pieces. Leather is well worn and connects the two wood bellows frames. $75


One Brass coffee pots used to heat water over charcoal or wood pit. $75


Variety of ropes woven from native grasses and palm leaves. $30


I am willing to sell individual pieces at prices asked, or $450 for the collection

Bedouin Collection

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